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Miss Universe Mistake: Miss Colombia Breaks Silence, Responds Gracefully To Steve Harvey's Awkward Mistake

After being mistakenly crowned as the winner of Miss Universe 2015 by host Steve Harvey, Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez broke her silence and revealed her feelings about what fans all over the world consider as the most akward moment of 2015.

Donald Trump On Miss Universe Winner: Declare Miss Philippines And Miss Colombia As Co-Winners

Donald Trump proposed a solution that will fix the akwakrd mistake during the coronation of this year's Miss Universe. For the controversial presidential candidate, the answer is pretty simple -- declare both Miss Colombia and Miss Philippines as winners.

Khloe Kardashian Bares All! KUWTK Star Reveals How She Easily Lost 11 Pounds, Her Beauty Insecurities In New Beauty Mag

The blonde beauty bares all her secrets! From weight loss to beauty in the Winter-Spring 2016 edition of New Beauty.