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Michael Lohan Arrest: Lohan Surrenders To Cops For Battery Case

Michael Lohan took the high road and surrendered to the police regarding his pending battery case filed by estranged wife Kate Major. In a video used by the authorities as evidence, it could be heard that there was a loud smack that led to a pained scream from Kate. Prior to this, Lohan's attorneys' defense was Kate was merely lying -- and that she was the one who's abusive between them. He was formally charged for slapping his ex-wife, and he wasn't charged for allegedly slapping his son.

Miss Universe 2015 News: Chloe Moretz Disses The Beauty Pageant On Social Media

Chloe Grace Moretz has something to say about the recently concluded Miss Universe, and it's not about Steve Harvey's major mix up! The young actress took her frustrations out on Twitter about the beauty pageant, saying that the host kept sexualizing the women during the swimsuit competition. She specifically pointed out the crude jokes that the host was making during the said segment, and needless to say, it did not sit well with her at all.

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' News: Footballer Michael Sam Accidentally Tweets Major Spoiler

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is the biggest movie event of the year, and of course, those who haven't seen the film would pounce on those insensitive souls who post spoilers recklessly. Former NFL player Michael Sam probably forgot how huge of a deal this movie was, and he tweeted a major spoiler. Shortly after, fans of the movie quickly attacked him on Twitter, and all he could say was a resounding "#oops."