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Anonymous Takes Down 5,500 ISIS-Affiliated Twitter Accounts after Being Called ‘Idiots’ by the Jihadists

After announcing an all out war against ISIS after the Paris terror attacks, cyber vigilante group Anonymous immediately took action by taking down 5,500 ISIS-affiliated Twitter accounts.

Xbox Live Glitch; Preventing Gamers from Signing Up; ‘Fallout 4’ Players Can’t Share Screenshots

The trouble of storage for Xbox One can be resolved by installing an external SSD. Xbox Live is going through problems. Microsoft has verified that there were complaints voiced by a few people over social media, since Xbox Live has not been functioning properly.

CBS Exchanges Episodes After Paris Attacks; Story Plots Have Strong Resemblance to Paris Incident

The shows were originally scheduled to be aired on Monday, but since the plots have a strong resemblance to the recent brutal incidents in Paris, it’s understandable that CBS has dropped the plan.
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