'Star Wars: Battlefront' Release Date, News, Gameplay, Trailer: No Single Player Mode; Split Screen Multiplayer; Play As Skywalker, Boba Fett, Vader, Etc. [VIDEO]

After the great response "Star Wars: Battlefront" received in the past, the upcoming reboot creates a bigger enthusiasm from its fans. Firstly, its because of the "Star Wars" movie anticipation, and secondly, it may also be brought about by the latest generation of consoles that will be able to deliver the same visuals the movie offers. "Star Wars: Battlefront" is set in iconic "Star Wars" locations including Endor, Tatooine, and Hoth.

"Star Wars: Battlefront" Release Date

It is expected that "Star Wars: Battlefront" will be released this 17th of November in the US, 19th in Australia, and 20th of September in Europe. It will be available in XboxOne, PS4, and PC.

"Star Wars: Battlefront" Details

First of all, "Star Wars Battlefront" won't have a single player mode. If you don't have the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Gold subscription, your access is limited to playing through mission mode. Additional info about the Star Wars Battlefront is that you can play as Skywalker, Vader, Boba Fett, and many more characters. These heroes will be dropped randomly as tokens.

It was also reported that there will be a split screen multiplayer feature. There will be missions where you can play with another person against Al, and in such mode, two players can play on just one console.

The only downside in the 40-player multiplayer modes is that they won't be available in split screen, and it can only be played in PS4 and XboxOne.

One good news about "Star Wars Battlefront" gameplay is that you can pilot lots of iconic vehicles. In the E3 Hoth demo, we have seen AT-AT, AT-ST, and A-Wings, it was also said that there will be more. However, it was also reported that there will no longer be space battles, just an airborne combat mode called the Fighter Squadron.

Also, a Star Card system will be used in the game. Before entering a battle, you will be able to pick three Star Cards and you can use these items in the game. It can be different things like shields, grenades, and more.

It is worth noting that "Star Wars: Battlefront" won't be the hardcore game that "Call of Duty" apparently is. Meaning, it won't reward just the best players. To become a hero character, you have to find tokens in the battlefield, instead of performing 20 killing streak. This simply means that the Battlefront is accessible to all players and not just to those who dedicate their entire being to the game.

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