
Microsoft Xbox One 1 TB: Kinect and ‘Gears of War’ Bundle Due This Christmas Season

Microsoft has revealed the Xbox One 1 TB Holiday Bundle. Software giant Microsoft has unveiled its latest Xbox One bundle, and the company has announced two new deals: the "Gears of War" bundle and the Kinect bundle.

‘House of Cards’ Season 4 Release Date & Spoilers: Michael Kelly Talks about His Character Doug’s Rumored Death; Underwoods’ Old Enemies to Return

Along with new characters, Frank (Kevin Spacey) and Claire's (Robin Wright) former allies will come back to take them down.

Kylie Jenner Association with ‘Thug’ Lifestyle Due to BF Tyga Concerns The Kardashian Family

Kylie may have to consider who she hangs out with, as her family currently considers her company to be a bad influence.