
Stephanie Pratt 2015: 'Made in Chelsea' Star Reveals Her Dark Past Involving Drugs, Arrest & Bulimia in 'Made in Reality' Tell-All-Book

Stephanie Pratt wrote a tell-all book titled "Made in Reality" which reveals her dark past incluidng her drug addiction, bulimia, DUI arrest and depression.

Diseases Due to Alcohol: There is No Safe Level for Alcohol as Light to Moderate Drinkers are Still Prone to Alcohol-Related Cancer

A group of researchers from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Brigham and the Women's Hospital in Boston found that light drinking, or one standard drink a day for women and two drinks for men, was linked only to a nominal increase in risk of all cancers. But, a daily glass of wine for women raised the chances of acquiring breast cancer significantly--regardless if they are smokers or not, since smoking is not linked to breast cancer.

Data Storage Breakthrough: DNA Strand can Store 300,000 Data for 2,000 Years

A new breakthrough in data storage was introduced by lead researcher Robert Grass and his colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. The group found a way to store data and to retrieve it in a DNA strand, even after thousands of years.
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