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'Vikings' Season 4 Release Date & Spoilers: King Ragnar and King Ecbert to Form an Alliance; Ragnar To Be Ousted by His People?

More spoilers for the fourth season of "Vikings!" There's so much in store in the upcoming Season 4 of "Vikings," and new alliances will reportedly form such as King Ragnar and King Ecbert's surprising partnership.

‘Need for Speed’ 2015: Game’s Full Achievement List Unveiled

EA has publicly unveiled a complete list of achievements/trophies for this year's upcoming "Need for Speed" video game.

Gmail App Brings The Block Option to Android

Getting unnecessary emails is very frustrating. Not only does it add up to your email clutter, it also wastes minutes of your life just checking on them. This is why Google keeps on updating Gmail for Android to make sure that unsubscribing from emails and blocking senders are as easy as possible. Google brings Android users the Block and Unsubscribe function to the Gmail app.
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