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'World of Tanks' Download: Game is Coming to Playstation 4, Includes New Maps, Free Camouflage and Premium Tank

The game is ready to take over the world, one platform at a time. "World of Tanks" has attained tons of success on the PC, Xbox, and on mobile, so the developers' decision to have a Playstation 4 release for the game comes as a pleasant surprise.

Cara Delevingne Interview: 'Paper Towns' Star Fires Back on 'Games of Thrones' Actor Richard Madden for Calling Her Unprofessional

Cara Delevingne retaliates on Richard Madden, who said that she was unprofessional and ungrateful to the Good Day Sacramento hosts duirng her interview.

'iPhone 6s vs. HTC One M9' Comparison, Specs, Price: 'One M9' Wins The Camera But 6S High Tech 3D Touch Competes

The "iPhone 6S" may take the smartphone spotlight as it got recently released. But don't let the publicity fool you, there are other phones that can do as good (or even better) as the iPhone, such as the "HTC One M9". But then again, eveything is debatable, so let's just compare the two smartphones here and give you an idea on which one suits you.
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