
Checkmate: 'Skyline Chess' Casts London’s Architecture into Board Pieces (VIDEO)

Remember how a whole island in Japan was turned into the board game "Game of Life"? Something similar is happening in London. Recently, a couple of London-based architects decided to combine their passion for the game of chess and architecture and converted the chessboard pieces to resemble the London skyline, literally.

Funnyman Wayne Brady Buys in Pacific Palisades for $1.75 Million

Standup comedian Wayne Brady is probably best known for hosting “Let’s make a Deal”. However, looks like, he himself has made a deal purchasing a plush condo in the Pacific Palisades area for about $1.75 million, according to several news reports.

Here is Your Dream Chocolate Castle: Cadbury Builds Fortress out of Dairy Milk Pebbles

In the latest round of marketing ‘world-wide weird’, Cadbury the chocolate company owned by Mondelēz International built a castle on the pebbly Brighton Beach made of its newly launched ‘Diary Milk Pebbles’, icing and fondant sugar.
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