
Kanye West Net Worth: Star Wants to Buy Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch

Kanye wants Neverland Ranch for Kim, North and the new baby on the way. With a net worth of about $130 million according to celebritynetworth. com, Kanye West may yet be able to put a down payment on the Neverland Ranch, the former home of the late great Michael Jackson.

Windows 10: 5 Things to Know Before Installing the Latest Update

Windows 7 and 8.1 users will be able to download the latest update in the Microsoft software - the Windows 10 - on July 29.

Obama to Caitlin Jenner: "Way To Go!"

Even the president of the most powerful country in the world has joined the Caitlyn Jenner bandwagon by giving props to the newly transformed former Olympian. According to TMZ, Obama praised Jenner via Twitter by saying "It took courage to share your story." The current most powerful man in the world added, "Your story matters in the fight for LBGT rights."
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