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DC Comics Gives Another Huge Change For ‘Batman’ And ‘Superman’

Comic book lovers for DC's franchises on "Batman and Superman" should be expecting another big change coming March 2016. Only this time they both will be donning their old costumes. Superman will also be having his old powers back.

A Footage of "Kingdom Hearts 3" Trailer Being Shown at D-23 Expo Finds Its Way to YouTube

There may be a D-23-exclusive "Kingdom Hearts 3" trailer afterall. "Kingdom Hearts 3" continues to intrigue impatient fans and thank to one YouTube user, those who were not able to attend the D23 Expo can get a sneak peak at the so-called exclusive "Kingdom Hearts 3" presentation.

'Outlander' Season 2 Cast, News, Spoilers: Richard Rankin to Play Roger

"Outlander" Season 2 welcomes Richard Rankin to play the role of Roger Wakefield. "Outlander" Season 2 is still currently filming and new casts are still joining the show like Richard Rankin.