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Outlander's Sam Heughan Snubbed By Golden Globes? Series Receives Three Nominations

The TV adaptation of Diana Gabaldon's well-loved time traveling series has garnered a strong following among TV viewers and accolades from award-giving bodies, however, it seems that one award "snub" made the fans really unhappy.

'Fifty Shades Darker' Movie Update And Spoilers: Will Ellie Goulding Sing Again For The Sequel? Anastasia Steele Goes Blonde

"Fifty Shades of Grey" earned a nomination in Golden Globe because of Ellie Goulding's hit song "Love Me like You Do" but will she still sing for "Fifty Shades Darker" which teases that a possible blonde Anastasia Steele will be seen?

'Just Cause 3' Unveils Cloud Stife's Buster Sword Easter Egg While Cloud Strife Super Smash Bros. DLC Availability Still Unkown

"Just Cause 3" feaures the Buster Sword as Easter Egg Cloud Strife, the protagonist of a game installment by Square's "Final Fantasy VII" that was released 18 years ago for Sony's PlayStation, has been making huge waves since the announcement of his coming to Nintendo's "Super Smash Bros.