
Carrie Bradshaw Apartment: A Peek at the Famous 'Sex and the City' Pad

The famous Carrie Bradshaw apartment is actually a large property at the Upper East Side of New York City. The property has become a famous tourist spot for 'Sex and the City' fans.

'Ricki and the Flash' Trailer and News: Meryl Streep Rocks!

In the recent trailer of 'Ricki and the Flash', Meryl Streep shows the coolness and drawbacks of being a rock star mom.

'Apple TV' Update: Missing In Action Since 2007

It has been three years since the last time the public had a glimpse on Apple's TV. Everyone anticipated to at least getting an update or even a new product launch on the said TV on the recent Apple event, but once again, the elusive TV is a no-show, CNet reported. The TV was nowhere to be found amid all the battles that have been happening on the internet TV realm that could have pushed Apple TV's popularity if thrown in the mix.
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